The View Through the Looking Glass

I'm an avid reader and aspiring author with an unhealthy devotion to the written word. From the classics to guilty pleasures and all points in between...I just love to read.   My primary focus at the moment is male/male romance, usually with a paranormal element thrown in. This is a place for me to rave about books I loved and rant about those I didn't. 

Unexpected Mate - Toni Griffin I liked this book a lot and it kicked off my interest in a new series. I normally like my M/M stories with the MC's aware of and accepting of their sexuality but this one resolves that issue with very little angst so it wasn't a problem. I know a lot of people might have felt that it solved the problem a little TOO easily but for my personal preferences, that was fine.

Brian has been having a string of really bad luck that continues when he breaks down on the side of the road and his mate, Marcus, completely rejects him. From that point on the book becomes about Marcus and Brian both wading through their individual and collective baggage so they can be together. I liked the story a lot and really liked the pairing of Marcus and Brian.

Currently reading

Warrior's Cross
Madeleine Urban
Six Ways from Sunday
Mercy Celeste